
Hope Haven Children's Shelter

Hope Haven is the only children’s shelter on the island housing abused, neglected or orphaned children. We offer mental health and education services to the children in our care. We also offer emergency placement and outpatient counseling services to victims of domestic violence.

Since the official opening as a shelter we have had many children stay at Hope Haven. These children have stayed from weeks to months at a time in our care. Currently, we have 6 full-time resident children in our care:

  • 2 of them are long term children of neglect (found alone at their homes)
  • 1 long term severely abused child who should be available for adoption in August 2019
  • 3 children extremely malnourished and unkempt were removed from alcoholic parents

School Scholarship and Sponsorship

Thanks to our sponsors we had two graduates this year. Alina, graduated from Jr. College with a degree in Computer Science, finishing 3rd in her class!

Jilsia was the valedictorian of her class from San Pedro Adult Continuing Education.

Additionally, with your continued support, we have 93 children able to attend school, ranging from Standard 1 through University Level

Outreach for Domestic Violence and Sexual Assualts

Hope Haven has assisted dozens of women who have found themselves victims of domestic violence. We offer:

  • Emotional Support
  • Accompany them to court for restraining orders
  • Help victims find work if they are not working
  • Provide transportation for women and their children to shelters on the mainland
  • Help find new homes for victims and their children
  • Empower them to continue life for themselves and their children

In order to curb the rate of domestic violence and bring awareness to the issues of domestic violence, Hope Haven is providing a summer program for teenage girls on teen dating abuse/violence

Tutoring and Literacy

Student Tutoring – At the opening of the 2019-2020 school – we will begin having volunteers at Hope Haven on Monday, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays to assist children with their homework and research. Tutoring in language and Math will also be available.

Literacy Program – An on-site literacy program has been developed and implemented at both Holy Cross, and New Horizons Primary Schools. The Literacy program pairs children who are having difficulty reading at their grade level with volunteers that provide one on one assistance. With the help of 20 volunteers during the 2018-19 school year, the literacy program was able to provide 52 children with one on one assistance in reading.

Library – This year, a new library was created at New Horizons primary school for their students.